There Is a Moment of Truth

By Robert Friedman

Every consultant and service firm faces it. You’re sitting down with a potential client and you have to find out if there’s a fit. Here’s what the prospect is thinking:

Should we hire? Or would one of your competitors do a better job?

Once the moment of truth arrives, most of your work should already be done.

I believe that before you get to the meeting, your business must be positioned precisely in your marketplace – and in the mind of the prospect.

Prospects should understand:

  • Who your ideal clients are
  • What your perfect engagement is
  • The results you produce
  • What you stand for
  • How you work.

Taken as a whole, it should be very clear how you are differentiated. The goal is that the prospect understands your unique value and knows that they can’t get it from one of your competitors.

How does your firm stack up?